Batsford Estate

property to let

    Christmas Opening Hours

    Batsford Estate Office will be closed on Tuesday 24th December 2024 until Thursday 2nd January 2025.

    We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2025.


    Christmas Wreath

    No electricity in Batsford Village

    Batsford Village and all properties within this area currently have no electricity due to storm Darrah. Please bare with us as we will take longer to respond than normal.

    The Estate Office has no power, so we are unable to make or receive calls at this point.

    Lost lanyard

    A lanyard & whistle has been dropped on the footpath between Moreton in Marsh & Batsford Arboretum. The lanyard has sentimental value and the owner would like it returned. If you find the lanyard, please could you bring it to the Estate Office. Many thanks

    D F Lynch

    D F Lynch

    We have some new tenants in Unit 2. D F Lynch are Chartered Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers. Please visit their website for more information,


    D F Lynch

    Complexions Beauty Salon

    We have some new tenants in Unit 1, Rachel Evans of Complexions Beauty.

    Hello, my name is Rachel Evans and I am the proprietor of Complexions Beauty Salon and I am delighted to now have my Salon within the beautiful Batsford Estate.

    I am fully qualified Beauty Therapist and have over 30 years of Beauty experience. The Salon offers one to one treatments and only uses high quality products such as Guinot, Orly and Environ, and I believe it is important to take the time to look after yourself, your skin and over-all well-being.

    For full a full list of treatments, please visit my website or call the Salon on 07767 430439

    I look forward to welcoming you to the Salon.

    Best wishes


    Countryside Code

    A new Countryside Code has been produced by Natural England. It outlines the best practices for visitors wishing to enjoy the countryside.

    We hope everyone enjoys following the public footpaths which run through Batsford Estate. Please respect the beautiful countryside and livestock by keeping to the footpaths, keeping your dogs on a lead, taking your litter home and being kind and respectful.

    We have noticed over the last few years, members of the public have taken to walking around the field margins. Please could we ask you to keep off the areas which are not designated footpaths. Field margins are left as a home for wildlife and insects. By walking or allowing your dogs on these areas, you are disturbing their natural habitat. Many of these areas are set aside as part of Natural England Environmental Schemes.

    A new leaflet has been produced to assist your time in the countryside.

    countryside-code-leaflet April 2021



    Covid-19 January 2021 Update


    With Covid-19 restrictions tightening again we we feel it is only right to contact everyone with an update.

    Batsford Estate will continue to operate in accordance with Covid-19 guidance. The office will be closed to visitors, we will be working from the office and at home so we may take a little longer than normal to respond to your queries. Please do email in the first instance instead of calling, as there will be times when the phones are unmanned but we will get back to you as soon as we can.

    We will continue to follow the Government guidance and we will keep you all informed of any changes which are made. We will make any updates on our website, We hope you all stay safe and well. If you have any worries or difficulties please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

    Kind regards,

    Batsford Estate


    Covid-19 November 2020 Update


    Due to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Saturday, Batsford Estate Office will close to visitors from Thursday 5th November until Wednesday 2nd December 2020.

    Our phones will not be manned at all times, please leave a message and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Alternatively we will be monitoring our emails during this period, so please email instead.

    We would like to thank you for your patience and we hope you all stay safe and well.


    Batsford Estate


    Mask Sanitiser

    Footpath Closed

    Footpath Closure – Wednesday 9th September.

    The main footpath from Hospital Road, Moreton in Marsh passing the allotments through to Batsford Arboretum will be closed due to bridge repairs on Wednesday 9th September 2020 for approximately 1 week. There are no alternative routes in place. Please can we ask walkers to stick to other footpaths as walking around the field margins disturbs the wildlife. Thank you for your assistance during this period.

    More information can be found by clicking on the link to Gloucestershire County Council – Moreton Footpath Closure 09092020

    3rd July 2020 – Power cuts expected

    3rd August 2020 – Power cuts expected

    Many of us experienced a power cut on Friday 31st July 2020. This was due to Western Power having a fault on the line. We have been informed this morning, Western Power are planning to replace sections of wire this week, 3rd – 9th August 2020, so we may experience power cuts again. Batsford Estate has no control over the electricity.  More information can be found on the website If you click on live power cut maps and the area you live it will give you an update on the power situation and if a fault has been reported.

    Update: Power disruption expected on Saturday 8th August between 12:00 and 17:00.